Westhaven - Live How you Choose

Individualised Living Options (ILO)

We work with you to design a personalised plan, offering choice, control, and flexibility in your living arrangements.

Westhaven offers Individualised Living Options (ILO) to adults with disabilities, providing a tailored approach to independent living. Our ILO program is designed to give you choice, control, and flexibility in your living arrangements and support services.

How ILO Works

Our ILO program consists of two stages:

  • Exploration and Design: We work with you to explore your living options, identify your support needs, and create a personalised plan.
  • Implementation: We help you put your plan into action, connecting you with the right providers and services to support your independence.

Benefits of ILO

  • Personalised support: We work with you to design a support plan that meets your unique needs and goals.
  • Choice and control: You decide where you live, who you live with, and what support you receive.
  • Flexibility: Your support plan can be adjusted as your needs change.
  • Expert guidance: Our experienced team will guide you through the process and provide ongoing support.

Our Approach

At Westhaven, we believe in empowering adults with disabilities to live their best lives. Our ILO program is designed to:

  • Nurture independence: We support you in developing the skills and confidence you need to live independently.
  • Encourage personal growth: We help you set and achieve your goals, whether that’s learning a new skill or pursuing a hobby.
  • Provide safety and stability: We ensure you have the support and resources you need to live safely and securely.

Get Started

If you’re interested in learning more about our ILO program, contact us today to speak with one of our experienced team members. We’ll help you explore your options and create a personalised plan that supports your independence and well-being.

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